Search results for "deke on peman"

deke on peman (comp. of deke on, peman) conj. affirms that an event or action is contingent or dependent on another action or event; the phrase has an added emphatic meaning component with the addition of peman. <This is a compound of a conjunction, linker-determiner, and an adjunct.> Compounding conjunctions and adjuncts. Sim: deke bo udot. (sem. domains: 9.6.2 - Dependency relations.)

deke bo udot conj. if; marks a dependent conditional clause expressing a continuing situation or action that will probably result in the situation or action expressed in the main clause; the udot form adds a sense of perplexity to the meaning. <This is a phrasal compound of a conjunction deke, an adverb bo and an adjunct udot.> Deke bo udot ya kahinlullokon da ot inila takun adida unudon intugun taku. If they keep pretending to be deaf, then, we know that they will not follow what we advised. Compounding conjunctions and adjuncts. Sim: deke on peman. (sem. domains: 9.6.2 - Dependency relations, - Condition.)